Avana Indonesia - Saat ini membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan Juni 2021. Adapun di bawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang saat ini tersedia bagi teman - teman pencari kerja yang tertarik berkembang dan berkarir bersama Avana Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja Avana Indonesia
 Lowongan Kerja Avana Indonesia
PHP Developer


  • Experience as PHP backend developer at least 2 years
  • Strong knowledge of Laravel PHP web frameworks
  • Strong Knowledge of object-oriented PHP programming
  • Experience with Symfony is a plus
  • Experience create package with PSR-4 standard is a plus
  • Understanding the fully synchronous behavior of PHP
  • Basic understanding of front-end technologies, such as JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3
  • Understanding accessibility and security compliance (Depending on the specific project)
  • Understanding fundamental design principles behind a scalable application
  • Integration of multiple data sources and databases into one system
  • Familiarity with limitations of PHP as a platform and its workarounds
  • Creating database schemas that represent and support business processes
  • Other frameworks, libraries, or any other technology related to your development stack
  • Proficient with Git

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